Sunday, February 05, 2006

Screech on time saves nine

Had a rather bad day today. On my mom's insistence i accompanied my dad n sis to the market . i guess i was a bit irritated and was driving a bit fast but not rashly. As i was speeding and passing by a vehicle parked on left, a pup just came in from no where. I applied full breaks and managed to stop just half a feet short of him. I thought i had run him over when he just ran from under yelping! i gave a sigh of relief! Had the worst happened i wld'nt have forgiven myself.
As expected a car rammed in from behind and the guy came out and started fighting .Some guys who had witnessed the whole thing came in and supported us against him(thgh he also was not at fault). Eventually he also understood and we guys shook hands and left. With so many cases of road rage these days it was heartening to know that we guys left on a good note.



At 10:39 AM, Blogger Shachi Uniyal said...

thank god u saved the pup. and ya its really nice to hear that there are people who are ready to listen rather than only screaming.


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